There will come that one point when you would need to purchase a luggage of your own.
Even if you have been purchasing them before, chances are you might have been making the wrong choices on them – as suits your personal needs. If any of the above sounds like you, we’ve got you covered.
The next time you go shopping for a luggage, this guide will help you make the best choice.
The first thing you want to look at is the size of the luggage. You also want to consider if you will be better off with one really large suitcase or comfortable with two medium-sized ones.
While the choice of size will be influenced by the items you aim to pack – and fit – into that luggage, you should also take your travel details into consideration. Afterall, many airlines have certain rules as regards luggage size requirements, and you won’t want that to delay you before flying.
There are a ton of features you can find on suitcases today, and that sure helps with the marketing. However, not all the features are worth having for you. In fact, not choosing the right one could leave you with a suitcase with too much bells and whistles than you would have normally cared for.
For one, you should make sure the color is one that agrees with you. We don’t have any recommendations here since that would be a personal choice. Moving forward, wheels are a very important consideration – especially if you will be packing quite the weight.
When it comes to wheels, you also get to choose between two or four of them. Two-wheeled suitcases have a poorer balance than their four-wheeled counterparts, but they score better on being of lighter weights.
Perhaps, one of the most important things which users fail to test out when they buy suitcases are the handles. You want to make sure the suitcase handle is not only functional, but comfortable too.
Test it out to ensure the luggage does not hit your heels as you walk. It should also extend in such a way that it doesn’t lag too far behind lest it bugs people walking behind you. Finally, make sure the handle is comfortable (possibly padded) for better handling experiences.
Pro Tip: If you already have a suitcase with a poor/ damaged handle, you don’t have to buy another piece of luggage. Simply choosing a replacement trolley handle will get the job done for you. We suggest you look at the Sunsen (Fashionable) Luggage Trolley Handle which offers all of functionality and aesthetics in one package.
Expansion Capacity
If you have been packing suitcases for a while, you will notice that they tend to become bigger when you are returning than they were when you were leaving. That is usually thanks to the souvenirs you have picked up during the course of your trip.
To accommodate for those without damaging the suitcase, you would be better off with an expanding suitcase. Although you might have to pay more when declaring that at the airport, it would be more cost effective than having to buy another carrier for the extra pieces of luggage you have with you.